Amenorrhea, No Menstrual Periods Treatment, Causes and Symptoms

Dr Easton Patrick

Amenorrhea is a medical condition that refers to the absence of menstrual period in women of reproductive age. It can either be primary or secondary amenorrhea. The first one refers to the fact that menstrual period hasn't yet occurred in women aged 16 or more. The secondary amenorrhea is defined as absence of the menstrual period for three or more consecutive moths. A woman does not have period at puberty age, at menopause and while she is pregnant and breast feeding. Each amenorrhea case should start with eliminating the possibility of being pregnant. If this is not the cause, it means that other problems have triggered lack of menstrual cycles.

Amenorrhea causes are multiple and range between ovary problems and anorexia. Anovulation is a main cause of amenorrhea as well as other problems like tumors, cysts or fibroids. Endocrinal problems are also very frequent causes of amenorrhea. These problems can be of a multitude of types.

Lack of menstrual periods can also be determined by problems like bulimia, anorexia, excessively low body weight, anxiety, depression, stress. Women who practice sports or who have constant intense physical activity might suffer of amenorrhea. There can be many other factors that determine amenorrhea, but the bottom line is that absence of menstrual period is not a disease in itself, but a signal that something else is wrong in the body. Once the real cause of amenorrhea is discovered and solved, the menstrual periods will become regular again.

Sometimes amenorrhea requires treatment and other times all it takes is to eliminate the cause. In women who suffer of bulimia or anorexia, menstrual periods will come to normal once these problems are solved. In many cases patients might need counseling in order to overcome such problems.

Women who practice sports can get back to normal if they slow down for a while and so on. Endocrinal and ovarian problems need to be diagnosed by a doctor and need to be addressed. Treating them implicitly ends amenorrhea also. There are prescribed pills that cause disorders in the occurrence of menstrual cycle and once the woman stops taking them, everything gets back to normal.

It is difficult to establish the correct treatment in amenorrhea cases because it depends on correctly identifying the root causes. Nevertheless, a healthy life style and a proper diet provide a bunch of different benefits, including normalization of the menstrual periods. Regular exercise and avoidance of nicotine, caffeine and alcohol are also helpful.


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