Natural Health Remedies VS Chemical Medications - Do We Really Have All The Answers?

Natural health remedies, and supplements for that matter, have been maligned by the western medicine establishment for decades now leaving many wondering whether they are really worth the trouble. Certainly, there are two sides to every story but after well over a decade of researching and supporting a healthy lifestyle with natural health remedies I would be inclined to disagree with those discounting the benefits of natural health remedies and supplements.


Have you been to your local pharmacy lately?

For many the answer is I was just there recently as according to a new study the average senior age 60 is on 5 plus prescription medications. But what strikes me as odd about the pharmacy is how unhealthy the vast majority of people picking up prescription medications look. In fact, I would venture to say most appear to be much older than they really are with a disproportionate number being overweight.

Now if pharmaceuticals are really the answer why is the majority of those individuals visiting them looking like they have one foot in the grave.

Additionally, it seems people are filling more prescriptions now than ever before with this observation being supported by statistics measuring pharmaceutical company growth.

Do we really have all the answers?

When someone claims to have all the answers about health and wellness I can't help but recall a story about the two Kellogg brothers of cereal fame. These two guys were as different as night and day with one opening a famous health and wellness spa in the early part of the 20th century. The spa offered such things as coffee enemas, impressive exercise areas, and diets full of, you guessed it, grains.

The other brother loved to drink, smoke cigars, womanize, and throw caution to the wind. When it was all said and done they both lived to be over 90 dying within a few months of each other.

The one thing they did have in common though was neither used prescription medications are their evolution was still in its infancy.

Inflammation the missing link often ignored by western medicine

There have been some bold, and quite brave, voices speaking out in recent years about the role internal inflammation plays in health as inflammation has been linked to a long list of diseases and conditions including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diseases of the brain such as Alzheimer's. The research studies supporting this view is quite compelling and I would encourage everyone to read all the information they can find on inflammation as it relates to disease.

Natural herbal and homeopathic remedies along with vitamin supplements do not trigger inflammation with many possessing additional benefits especially when it comes to cellular and immunological health.

I find it odd that some will pay a premium for organic products only to be ready and willing to take any one of a myriad of chemical medications at the drop of a hat.

I would speculate that the person taking 5 prescription medication would be taking at least that many over the counter pain killers, allergy medications, sleep remedies, and cold and flu remedies. All of which likely cause some internal inflammation.

So it seems we are bombarding our bodies with chemical medicines. It is for those far smarter than I to figure out how much is too much without opening the door for both short and long-term side effects.

Reversing the trend

This is not as easy as it sounds! Doctors tend to lean heavily toward pharmaceuticals and most of their patients seem to be convinced it is the way to go as well. Also, any changes may be complicated as many meds are stacked in order to manage problems created by other meds.

For those looking to make a chance you will likely be met with some resistance so be sure and do your homework before you go charging in and tell your doctor you no longer want to use that statin medication for lowering cholesterol as you have just read statins increase the chances of type 2 diabetes by 70 percent.

In conclusion, the debate as to whether a lifestyle dependent primarily on pharmaceuticals or one based on a healthy diet, plenty of exercise, supplementation, and natural health remedies is not one that will be decided anytime soon as those on each side of the argument are deeply entrenched.
The best we can do as consumers is keep up with the latest research conducted by independent organizations such as the National Institute of Health and in conjunction with a competent medical professional try to make smart decisions that allow us to live life to fullest with compromising our long-term health.


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