Headache Symptoms – How to Tell Your Type of Headache

How often do you shift your priorities towards something that you dislike doing? Experts reckon that painkillers take priority over all important work, when headache paves way into our life. We all have experienced it! The head busting feeling associated with severe headache can be downright annoying to handle. Somehow it hampers our coordination and drives us mad enough to take a pill or a quick nap leaving behind heaps of pending work.


As such, there are several noticeable symptoms that tell us about the type of headache we are suffering from. Let’s take a brief look at the symptoms connected with the most regular types of headaches that has plagued the world today.

Tension Headache Symptoms

Arguably, this is the most common type of headache that results due to stress, emotional trauma and exposure to loud noise. From medical point of view, one can experience such headaches in two forms such as episodic or chronic headache. Feeling of tightness is experienced by individuals suffering from tension headaches. The pain starts from the backside of the upper neck and head. In some cases, individuals also showcase symptoms of nausea and vomiting along with the mild pain. When we talk about episodic headaches, one can experience moderate pain in the front or side of the head. Episodic tension lasts for about 30 minutes to a few days. Chronic headache victims experience different degree of pain throughout the day.

Cluster Headache Symptoms

Unlike tension headache, cluster headache situation can be really painful. The exact cause of this type of headache is still a mystery in the eyes of medical science, although hypothalamus abnormalities are cited as the main cause. If you incorporate sudden changes in your sleep pattern, then this change can trigger cluster headache. Apart from the penetrating pain, burning sensation can be felt around the facial area such as eyes and nose. The pain usually lasts for an hour.

Sinus Headache Symptoms

Sinusitis is held responsible for the cause of sinus headache. The most predominant symptoms associated with sinus headache are inflammation in the eyes, cheeks and nasal passage. Steep and deep pain will be experienced by the sufferer in the forehead area. In some cases, the pain can penetrate into the cheek and nose area. Sudden facial movements can intensify the pain.

Migraine Headache Symptoms

Migraine headaches are characterized by severe pain on both sides of the head. Intense pulsating sensation can be experienced by the victim. Other symptoms include nausea, tiredness, vomiting, lack of appetite and blurred vision. Certain food items like also trigger migraine headache. The irony lies in the fact that this type of headache can last for a longer duration, thus disrupting your day to day life.

Headaches can prevent you from doing lots of things in life due to its disturbing symptoms. Major efforts will be required from your end, even for conducting simple tasks. It’s important to resort to timely medication, in order to ensure that this dreadful condition does not hang around your head for too long - .healthguidance.org


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